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Friday, March 18, 2011

A New-Style Science Faire

Paint Branch High School launched their Science and Media Signature Expo March 15th.

It is a new take on their traditional annual science fair.

“We knew we were losing the students with the traditional story boarded report of past experiments,” said Brian Eichenlaub, Signature Coordinator at Paint Branch. “We wanted as much motion, and actual demonstration as we could get.”

“In years past, we held our science fairs during the school day, attended mostly by science students. This year we moved it to the evening, and had an audience of almost four hundred students, parents and people who support the school entertained by over 100 projects with light, sound, and motion.”

The Signature Media Expo looked like a circus and a carnival, objects in the air, water spouting, and teachers racing for a vacuum cleaner to clean up spilled powder.

It was a happy confusion, hugely entertaining, and a lot of learning going on.

Where are you seeing education breakthroughs?


  1. Interesting post. I haven't seen an education breakthrough in my school district in the 21 years I have had children in the schools here. It is great to see that some teachers do more than they are required rather than go on strike because they don't want to have pay the normal fairshare of their health costs like all of the private sector has been doing for decades.

  2. It IS great that teachers go beyond the call of duty, and it happens much more frequently than you give them credit for. It's sad that a post can't recognize that without also being used as a platform for a knee-jerk political comment slandering teachers everywhere.

  3. Science Fairs should be fun! They are about learning and about the answer to "What's new?" It is grand to hear of the community coming together to learn, to see, to do and to support curiosity together, becoming more involved through the brilliantly simple change of something as strightforward as hours of availability.
